Can depression be cured forever ?

by Onyinye Ogbuka
Can depression be cured forever ?

Can depression be cured forever? 

Depression cannot be cured forever but certainly, therapy helps minimize depression so much that its effect is not so noticeable in your daily life.

I was depressed at some point in my life. it got so bad that I alienated myself from my family members. I wanted to drown in the pool of my own sorrow. It didn’t matter that they were all there to help me. I did not allow them come near. 

I walked around numb for days and even months and wondered if I would ever escape this loop of a sad state. 

I lost interest in anything and everything. Hanging out with my friends had become a thing of the past. I also started to avoid my family. I am glad that they noticed my new disposition. They promptly booked me a therapist online at Mildstrings. 

When they told me they got me a therapist. I was shocked and angry. I certainly did not want to be queried by a stranger. On their persuasion, I went to see the therapist at Mildstrings. It was a series of sessions and each time, it left me feeling better.

Is depression really curable?

The therapist used the cognitive behavioral therapy on me. During our sessions, I realized that I had been ungrateful, I had concentrated most of my attention on all the things that I did not have and I had not gotten. She helped me identify that this was dangerous mindset. Rather than concentrate on the things that I did not have, I was supposed to concentrate on the things that I had achieved. The ones I had not achieved, I was to create goals for them and take little steps every day to achieve them. I was supposed to set milestones for each goal I wanted to achieve and each time I hit a milestone, I was to take myself out and have fun to celebrate the milestone. 

She taught me how to redirect my thoughts whenever it was headed for the negative. She taught me to identify the series of negative thoughts and what could trigger them. Each time it seemed these negative were expanding in my mind I was to redirect them to positive things and if it was not working I was to say affirmative words to myself repeatedly and ensure that I conquer it each time. It was not an easy thing to do but I got the hang of it after a while. 

She also taught me to confess positive things to myself each morning. It was funny at first and weird and silly but over time it helped me build a positive mindset.

Can depression be cured forever?/pinterest pin/mildstrings

Can depression be cured forever?

She encouraged me to interact with more people. I joined more organizations, my favourite: a non-governmental organization that catered to little children. It was beautiful to see. I loved the feeling that came with helping others. 

Something to pump me in the morning. I took a dance class based on her recommendation. It was crazy that I was trying to do something like dancing in my late twenties. I began to love each minute of it and now I am addicted to it.

I am achieving my goals steadily now and I am happy about it. I feel better about myself. Sometimes when it feels like something is not working the way I want it to and I feel depressed about it, I quickly book a session with my therapist who helps me put things in a new perspective.  I have episodes sometimes and I trust my therapist to get me out of them.

I am so happy that my family got me a therapist. The therapist has helped me reduce the effects of the depression so that I don’t have to deal with it in my everyday life.

Is depression permanently curable?

No, depression is not permanently curable but through consistent therapy and mindfulness, it can be minimized till it is practically non-existent.

Can life long depression be cured?

No, it can only be minimized through therapy and medication.

Has anyone been cured of depression?

No one has been cured of depression but the effect has been minimized so drastically that it is hard to spot.

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